Category: Faith

The Great Commission

” Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.  And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and

Date with the Divine

“Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Romans 16:16. Recently my granddaughter was sick with a lingering virus and could not attend her daycare for her scheduled days. After being out of her routine for a week, she was reluctant to enter her classroom, preferring to cling to me. I admit I was tired of

Wrap Battles

According to a recent New York Times article, 87% of people use gift wrap for wrapping a present. Another 11% use gift bags to save “time, money, and effort.” They are lazy and we all know it. The remaining two percent are total sociopaths and you shouldn’t invite them to a Christmas party. Ok, I

Hero to Zero

I have the sweetest collection of love notes from my daughters tucked away in my bible. They were all written when the girls were young and wore blinders to my numerous faults. The notes are really adorable, with drawings of me in various states of basic artistry. Big circle head, and a tiny triangle body.

The Ultimate Blood Donor

When I had the pleasure of turning fifty, I participated in a clinical trial through a partnership between Dana- Farber Cancer Institute and California healthcare company Grail. Grail has pioneered a simple blood test for multi-cancer early detection called Galleri.  Grail’s end goal is a routine blood test to detect early-phase cancer. I was absolutely

Bee Faithful

Funny thing about God. He doesn’t ask our permission for what circumstances He will use to mold us to become more like Him. Take me for example. I am an introvert, however, God has blessed me to be the mother of a soccer team’s worth of children. I prefer the quiet, but my daily routine

grayscale photo of person standing on seashore

A Ghost Story and the Love of God

Years ago I was invited to swap my usual crisp November weather for a Thanksgiving visit to the balmy climes of the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Joining my father, brother, and sister-in-law for an al fresco holiday buffet was a welcome turnaround from the more polar provisions of New England. The restaurant is nestled within

One in A Million

I have been struggling to write this post.  Not because I can’t find the words, but because I am getting used to saying them. If you haven’t read my previous blog post, it gives background information to this one. To summarize, a woman who has been bleeding for twelve years is desperate for relief. She

Jesus Loves You

耶稣爱你 ㆝父愛的信 我的孩子: 你或許不認識我,我卻認識你的㆒切。詩 139:1 你坐㆘,你起來,我都曉得,詩139:2 我也深知你㆒切所行的;詩139:3 就是你的頭髮也都被數過了。太10:29-31 你是照著我的的形像所造的,創1:27 你生活、動作、存留,都在乎我,徒17:28 你也是我所生的。徒17:28 甚㉃在你尚未成形以先,我已曉得你,耶1:4-5 在創立世界之前,我已揀選了你。弗1:4 你不是個錯誤,你所㈲的年㈰都㊢在我的冊㆖,詩139:15-16 我定準你的年歲和所住的疆界,徒17:26 你的受造,是極其奇妙可畏!詩139:14 我在你母腹㆗塑造你, 詩139:13 領你由母腹㆗出來。詩71:6 我被不認識我的㆟所誤傳,約8:41-44 我並非冷漠而憤怒的,乃是完全的愛。約壹4:16 我願在你身㆖揮霍我的愛, 只因為你是我的孩子,我是你的父親。約壹3:1 我能給予你的,遠超過㆞㆖的父親所能給予你的,太 7:11 因為我是完全的父。太5:48 你所領受各樣美善的恩賜,都是從我來的,雅 1:17 因為我是你的供應者,我必供應你需的㆒切。太6:31-33 我向你所懷的意念是要叫你末後㈲指望,耶29:11 因為我以永遠的愛愛你。耶31:3 我向你的意念其數比海沙更多,詩139:17-18 我因你歡欣喜樂,番 3:17 我決不停止施恩與你,耶32:40 因你是我的珍貴的產業。出19:5 我全心全意栽培你於此㆞,耶32:41 我要將偉大奧㊙的事指示你,耶 33:3 如果你㆒心㆒意尋找我,就必尋見。申4:29 以我為樂,我就把你心裡所求的賜給你,詩37:4 因為是我在你心裏動工,使你心裡能立志行事。Philippians 腓 2:13 我能為你成就㆒切,遠超過你所求所想的。Ephesians 弗 3:20 我是你最佳的鼓勵者,2 Thessalonians 帖後2:16-17 也是在㆒切患難㆗安慰你的父親。2 Corinthians 林後1:3-4 你傷心的時候,我靠近你,Psalm 詩34:18

When God Says No

Hello dear readers! It’s been a while. Allow me to explain. My beloved child began an unexpected and ongoing difficult journey six weeks ago. This struggle includes a lot of loss and heartache and thrust me into the role of full-time caregiver of my active toddler granddaughter. This happened at a moment’s notice, with no

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