J.O.Y. to the World
On December 23, 2024 by Elle R.Yesterday brought me a day that wasn’t filled with appointments or caregiving to little ones. I delighted in making a family Christmas bread recipe. While the dough was rising, I began to feel a little lost, with all this time to use. What should/ could/ would I do with all these hours? I began to

That Other Christmas Story
On December 14, 2024 by Elle R.The rhyming Russian proverb, doveryay, no proveryay, translates to “trust, but verify.” I should have embraced this proverb years ago because I assumed my children knew the story of the first Christmas. I learned yesterday I was wrong. They were short a few crucial details. Actual conversation with my 11 year old daughter. Me: “Tell

Royal Rivalry
On December 9, 2024 by Elle R.Do you ever feel like you’re putting Christmas on autopilot? Instead of rejoicing at the arrival of the Savior of the world, you are just going through the motions out of habit? Watching the same formulaic Christmas sweater wearing couple movies, baking the same sugary treats, whittling down an endless shopping list with a finite

Hold Fast
On September 29, 2024 by Elle R.April 2017 – I went to church today with the six youngest children in tow. The pastor’s sermon was about Hebrews chapter 11, which is a veritable Hall of Fame of faithful people in the Bible. Every verse begins with the same phrase. “By faith…” By faith Noah built the ark, by faith Abraham offered Isaac,

Got Rizz?
On September 15, 2024 by Elle R.My sixteen year old son is a real hit with the ladies right now. He has been described as a “snack” which is a bit disconcerting to me as his mom. I feel like it was just last Wednesday I was teaching him to tie his shoes. He frequents the gym to keep his washboard

Casa Dolce Casa
On September 4, 2024 by Elle R.Dear reader, I have not written in some time because I haven’t been feeling quite myself. Medically, I needed treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Spiritually, I needed replenishing and I found it by taking a recent solo trip to Italy. Standing on top of a mountain in the Italian Alps, four and a half thousand feet

Diary of a Disney Princess
On May 21, 2024 by Elle R.A week ago my seventeen year old son found a baby squirrel licking water off the driveway beneath his car. My son tried to lure the squirrel out, as he needed to drive to work and didn’t want to run over a baby animal. My sixteen year old son then took over, tempting the furry

Lessons from Louisa
On April 30, 2024 by Elle R.““Love is a great beautifier.”― Louisa May Alcott I’m not a huge fan of road trips, but this weekend I felt the distinct pull of wanderlust. Since late March, I’ve been caring for my husband as he has been recovering from a joint replacement surgery. I didn’t know how much I needed a day to myself

Never Home Alone
On March 10, 2024 by Elle R.Happy Daylight Savings, dear reader! This week ushers in more sunshine hours, Vitamin D, and fresh air. I’m thankful for this. My previous week included a basketball playing teenager requiring stitches to his eyelid and a toddler with a stomach virus that caused her to projectile vomit like a sorority sister after a prolonged keg

The Balcony of Heaven
On February 17, 2024 by Elle R.I have a large family, so I often employ ‘to-do’ lists to stay focused and accomplish important tasks. A few weeks ago, I spent Sunday evening writing a to-do list for Monday. The top thing on my list was to get my newly minted teen son to the doctor. We are a homeschooling family, so