Category: Faith


During the labor of one of my daughters, I gently swayed back and forth and sang, ” My Redeemer Lives” by Nicole C. Mullen. Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?And who told the ocean, you can only come this far?And who showed the moon where to hide ’til evening?Whose words alone

people reaching hands to each other

Cast Your Burden Upon the Lord

If you are reading this, there’s a good chance I owe you a sincere apology. Please allow me to explain. I’m an introvert by nature. Please don’t translate ‘introvert’ as anti-social, shy, or unfriendly. I am happy to socialize and have deep meaningful friendships. However, I do find socializing draining and need time to recharge

Faith or Fear

My family has an unusual holiday tradition. Our Thanksgiving meal is not the Norman Rockwell painting “Freedom from Want” turkey and trimmings. It began that way though. For the first ten years of marriage and motherhood, I would attempt to faithfully recreate the Thanksgiving meal that I grew up with. I would spend what felt

Draw Near

James 4:8  “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” This scripture came to mind when my son came running to show me that a rainbow had appeared over my neighbor’s backyard. I quickly ran to the window in the hopes I wouldn’t miss it. Yesterday I began a much-needed break from

Whatever is Lovely

I take daily walks in my local cemetery. It may seem a little creepy if you’re afraid of that sort of thing, but I find it very peaceful as I have a large family and the cemetery is typically fairly quiet. There are other walkers beside myself that favor the same route, even in winter.

The God Squad

Recently the pastor at my church preached a sermon about Jesus healing a paralyzed man at Capernaum. *Spark Notes version – four men are so determined to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing that they are willing to rip open a roof and hand-deliver their friend straight down to Jesus to circumvent the

Dear Mom

You may be reading this from your hospital bed as many people, including me, pray for your recovery. Or you may choose to not read it at all. I wanted to find a way to reach you quicker than snail mail and I chose my blog because it’s possible this letter to you may benefit

Patience and Popsicles

In the book of Exodus in the Bible, God rescues the enslaved Israelites from their Egyptian captors. King Ramses II is the reigning Pharaoh of Egypt and after witnessing God’s mighty displays of power through a series of ten plagues, Ramses reluctantly allows the Hebrews to leave. Ramses’ decision lasts about a couple of hours,

Last Christmas

“Last Christmas I gave you my heart… But the very next day you gave it away… This year to save me from tears… I’ll give it to someone special.” The Last Christmas song by Wham was a chart-topping hit in 1984 and 1985, respectively.  I think the song has a timeless appeal because we believe

The Christmas Fruit Basket

I wrote this four years ago. It felt appropriate to update it now. 2017 – Confession ~ Our family received a holiday fruit basket last week. I am 47 but I acted like a 4-year-old upon receiving it. Ungrateful. I delayed thanking the gift-givers (a couple) – and the husband called me to check if

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