Category: Faith

How I Came to Christ

Twenty-nine years ago, I was a newly minted wife and mother. I had a toddler daughter and a son in my womb, ready to be born within days. I should have been happy – fulfilled – but I knew deep down, that something was missing. It wasn’t something though. I had tried all the things

Let Them Die

I rarely write about things I see in the news media, as I know how there are two sides to every story. Sometimes there are three or four sides. This is a little different, as this topic hit home on a visceral level. A few months ago, I read that a firefighter in Glastonbury, Connecticut

Grief and Gratitude

A neighbor and dear friend recently suffered the loss of his beloved son, only days before Thanksgiving. It is in bitter moments like these, I am reminded that the first Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States was rooted not only in gratitude but grief. One hundred and two passengers sailed aboard The Mayflower, landing at

Storm Clouds

Tonight, at bedtime my ten-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter wanted me to read a bible story. I chose the story in the book of Mark where Jesus calms the wind and the waves.  “That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took

Mondays, Dog Barf, and God

I saw a t-shirt for sale that had this written on it. “Dear Monday, everyone hates you.” As a homeschooling mom of a large family, I can sometimes really agree. However, you have to be willing to take what God sends you and work with it. The good. The bad. And the dog barf. Monday


Pray and Speak Boldly Two weeks from now it will be a year since I answered one of the most frightening phone calls I have ever received. The police called to report they had found my daughter.  She struggles with opioid addiction and I had not heard from her. I feared the worst. No parent

Treating the Root Cause

On December 13th, 1885, a young woman living in a small mountainous Italian village gave birth to a baby boy she could not afford to raise. The next day, she stroked his dark hair and watched in loving fascination as his tiny hand curled around her pinky finger. She gently wiped her breastmilk from his

Who invented crowdfunding?

I always find it disappointing when people say to me that the bible isn’t relevant to modern people. As if the inner workings of the heart of men have somehow radically evolved across the centuries.  Consider crowdfunding. It’s easy to believe it’s a modern invention. Sort of mankind’s evolution into good intentions. If you look

Superman vs. Wonder Woman

I have a confession. I’m a procrastinator by nature. I need help staying on task and organized. I recently shared with a neighbor that I have a daily and weekly chore list with little boxes I check off as I complete a task. He remarked, “You don’t strike me as a list person.”  I smiled

Us versus Them

This is a difficult post to write, but I cannot be silent. With the recent presidential decision to remove the United States troops from Afghanistan, the nation has collapsed into chaos and misery as the Taliban have taken control. Heartbreaking footage of Afghanis running alongside a departing U.S. Air Force plane highlights their desperation to

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