Hold Fast
On September 29, 2024 by Elle R.April 2017 – I went to church today with the six youngest children in tow. The pastor’s sermon was about Hebrews chapter 11, which is a veritable Hall of Fame of faithful people in the Bible. Every verse begins with the same phrase. “By faith…” By faith Noah built the ark, by faith Abraham offered Isaac,

Got Rizz?
On September 15, 2024 by Elle R.My sixteen year old son is a real hit with the ladies right now. He has been described as a “snack” which is a bit disconcerting to me as his mom. I feel like it was just last Wednesday I was teaching him to tie his shoes. He frequents the gym to keep his washboard

Casa Dolce Casa
On September 4, 2024 by Elle R.Dear reader, I have not written in some time because I haven’t been feeling quite myself. Medically, I needed treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Spiritually, I needed replenishing and I found it by taking a recent solo trip to Italy. Standing on top of a mountain in the Italian Alps, four and a half thousand feet