Category: Faith

Holy Housekeeping

My husband is an avid fan of home renovation television programs. Today he asked me to humor him and watch a few episodes, so I did. We watched back-to-back episodes of the HGTV channel’s ‘Home Town,’ with hosts Ben and Erin Napier. Ben and Erin are natives of Laurel, Mississippi, and they have renovated over

A Question from My Son

Three weeks ago, my husband and our son came home from his weekly piano lesson. As they walked through the door, I caught my husband saying to our son, “You’ll have to ask Mom what she thinks about that. She remembers a lot of details that I don’t.” Hmmm. My curiosity was piqued. What could

Thessalonians Filter

I had a surprise visit from my sister in April. She drove 1200 miles to put a smile on my face. Unfortunately, she knocked on my door after I had finished a half an hour crying jag, so my face was a blotchy mess. I don’t have social media, but my sister does. She took

Boredom, Books, and Banana Bread

Does anyone else settle into a good book when they are bored?  I love to escape into another world when mine seems blah.  Last weekend I was happily ensconced in Colleen Oakley’s novel, You Were There Too.  No spoiler alerts here, but I will say it was 100% satisfying from start to finish.    (*

The Adultery of Addiction

There is a very interesting story in the Bible in the book of Hosea. Hosea was a prophet and God told Hosea to marry a prostitute. God was going to use Hosea as a living demonstration of His own love and patience for a nation that continually turned their back on Him. Israel was God’s

House of Cards

A friend shared a ‘magic’ card trick video with me today. On a table were six royal cards. A pair of Kings, a pair of Queens, and a pair of Jacks. The narrator said, “Focus on one of these six cards, really fix it in your mind. I will try to guess your card.” I

Pick up the Starfish

I have always loved the story of the little boy and the starfish but as a certified marine docent I would be remiss if I didn’t share that starfish are now known as sea stars. In the story, a little boy is walking along a stretch of beach, and he sees all these stranded starfish.

Jesus, Plastic Surgeon

Have you ever had a moment in your life when everything turned to complete crap?  You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everybody’s version of crap is different of course. If you are reading this and your life has taken a right turn towards Crapville, let me please say, I am so sorry

The Birthday Suit in the Bible

I’m a huge fan of the 2001 movie, A Knight’s Tale. It’s a playful, suspend -your -disbelief story of a peasant rising above his circumstances through guile, jousting tournaments and sheer determination. The main character, Will, meets a naked man named Geoffrey Chaucer * trudging along the road. Geoff is a compulsive gambler and has

Happy Anniversary!

A personal update from Elle ~ these past few months have been tiring for me. I’ve had two surgeries – one in February and one ten days ago. This month also brought about the incarceration of my daughter, although that was an answer to prayer. Anyone who loves an addict will tell you the relief

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