Superman vs. Wonder Woman
On August 29, 2021 by Elle R.I have a confession. I’m a procrastinator by nature. I need help staying on task and organized. I recently shared with a neighbor that I have a daily and weekly chore list with little boxes I check off as I complete a task. He remarked, “You don’t strike me as a list person.” I smiled
Us versus Them
On August 16, 2021 by Elle R.This is a difficult post to write, but I cannot be silent. With the recent presidential decision to remove the United States troops from Afghanistan, the nation has collapsed into chaos and misery as the Taliban have taken control. Heartbreaking footage of Afghanis running alongside a departing U.S. Air Force plane highlights their desperation to
Holy Housekeeping
On August 14, 2021 by Elle R.My husband is an avid fan of home renovation television programs. Today he asked me to humor him and watch a few episodes, so I did. We watched back-to-back episodes of the HGTV channel’s ‘Home Town,’ with hosts Ben and Erin Napier. Ben and Erin are natives of Laurel, Mississippi, and they have renovated over
A Question from My Son
On August 11, 2021 by Elle R.Three weeks ago, my husband and our son came home from his weekly piano lesson. As they walked through the door, I caught my husband saying to our son, “You’ll have to ask Mom what she thinks about that. She remembers a lot of details that I don’t.” Hmmm. My curiosity was piqued. What could